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Snowmobile trail permits on sale

The North Bay Snowmobilers Club is selling Ontario Federation of Snowmobile Club trail permits, offering access to more than 30,000 kilometres of snowmobile trails in the province.

The local club maintains more than 300 kilometres of trails north of Trout Lake.

The North Bay club is often the first to open and last to close in the region.

Permits are $200 when purchased on or before Dec. 1 or $250 if purchased after Dec. 1.

Classic permits are $125 for all snowmobiles with model years 1997 or older.

The price is the same as last year.

Trail permits can be purchased at Hilltop Variety, Canadian Tire, Power Sports and Marine, Account on Fullerton, Idylltyme Sports and Marine, The Portage, JJ’s Recreational Vehicles, Carlson’s Sports and Bent Toys in Redbridge.

Classic permits are only available at the Account on Fullerton office. A copy of the snowmobile ownership must be produced to verify the snowmobile is 15 years or older.

On the web: www.ofsc.on.ca/permits/prices.html

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