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Snowmobile Maine!

In an old Maine joke, a driver from away queries a local on directions to get to another town. After struggling unsuccessfully to give the tourist some decent directions, the Mainer finally declares, "Well, son, I guess you can't get there from here."

Not true of Maine's 14,000 mile snowmobile trail system, which includes over 3500 miles of primary trail known as the Interconnected Trail System (ITS). The ITS trails connect across the state and with decent snow a rider may head out from anywhere on the ITS and ride to any other location that is reached by the system. 

Many of the 10,000 additional miles of snowmobile trail in the state hook up with the ITS. Think of the Maine trail system as similar to a highway system. You travel across the state using the highways (ITS), and can exit onto local roads (local trails) to explore a town, visit a gas station, stop for lunch, or enjoy a club event.

The snowmobile trails of Maine exist because decades ago a number of people who loved to ride realized that to keep a winter trail system open landowner permission must be obtained, funds raised, brush cut, signs posted, bridges built, snow groomed, trails inspected, maps produced, grooming equipment purchased, maintained and insured, and access issues and legislative initiatives monitored.

Early leadership of the Maine Snowmobile Association pushed legislation to establish a snowmobile registration system that would funnel some money through a state agency to assist snowmobile clubs in their trail development and maintenance efforts. This system continues to reimburse clubs for a portion of their trail expenses. The balance of the money needed to maintain trails is raised through club membership dues and club fundraising activity.

Forty-five years later thousands of Maine Snowmobile Association club volunteers continue working to keep the trail system healthy, and they would welcome your support

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