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Snowmobile club may dissolve if no progress made

DEER LAKE  — There’s still no help in sight for the beleaguered Junction Trail Blazers snowmobiling club.

Club president Wilf Curlew has warned that lack of both financial and volunteer support has put the organization in an unsustainable position.

If the situation doesn’t change soon, the club won’t be able to groom the over 700 kilometres of trail within its boundaries.

In fact, Curlew said the club would likely dissolve if he doesn’t see any progress. He met with Newfoundland and Labrador Snowmobile Federation president Bruce Nicholl Wednesday to discuss the situation and possible solutions.

“I gave Bruce a list of things that need to be done in the area before the season gets underway,” Curlew told The Western Star. “There’s a lot of trail preparation work that needs to get done and a couple of safety issues to be dealt with.

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