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Snowmobile Camps Start This Friday

The recent snowfall has many snowmobilers eager to get their machines out. 

Things are a bit different for those looking to set up sled camp at Sherman Meadows or Lick Creek this year. 

The Swan City Snowmobile Club has taken over camp registrations, and this year permits will be sold for specific sites. 

Len Freisz with the Club says the changes mean the process will be much less hectic than in previous years. 

"This year, making it retroactive, if you had to camp last year, it was your camp again this year.  That in itself made a big difference because that took the pressure off everybody racing out there to get their best spot right." 

Camps cannot be moved in before 7:30 this Friday morning. 

Friesz says he and other members of the permit committee will be on hand in Tin Town Friday and Saturday morning to help new permit holders and to answer questions. 
Polaris Snowmobile

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