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Snow Shoot 2015 : Denis Lavoie Best Picks

Last March, I had the chance to attend the Snow Shoot 2015, an event organized by the four snowmobile manufacturers for media members.  This is a unique opportunity to try out models that will be offered the next season.

On the first day, each manufacturer presents his models and during the following four days, we proceed to the tests.  Our team of five pilots tried out almost 70 different models and for each one of them, we noted our evaluation based on more than 80 criteria.

The Snow Shoot 2015 was held last March in West Yellowstone, Montana
The Snow Shoot 2015 was held last March in West Yellowstone, Montana

Of course, each member of our team has his own preferences and this brings very interesting discussions.  Personally, some models pleased me more than others and I would like to present my favorites for each manufacturer.

Arctic Cat
Did you know that Arctic Cat offers more than 75 different snowmobile models for 2015, the widest range of sleds on the market ?  We tried out about 15 of these models and I have been especially pleased by 2…

Pantera 7000 Limited
The Pantera is the new Arctic Cat Touring snowmobile offered in standard and Limited editions.  It replaces the TZ1 introduced in 2008.  The Pantera is built on the ProTour chassis issued from the ProCross chassis.  The ProTour is much lighter and combined with the 7000 engine (Yamaha), we get a very interesting platform.

What seduced me the most is the careful attention to details brought by Arctic Cat people.  For example, the Limited edition is equipped with a 16,3 l auxiliary fuel tank.  Combined with the main 40,5 l fuel tank, the Pantera Limited offers an increased fuel autonomy.  Also, this model offers a large rear storage case along with two hard detachable side cases.  So, there is plenty of storage room two persons would need for  a few day trip.

The Pantera Limited offers a good performance on trail with or without a passenger aboard.  The riding, the suspension and the performances are adequate for a Touring snowmobile.

Snowmobile Arctic Cat Pantera 7000 Limited
Snowmobile Arctic Cat Pantera 7000 Limited

XF 6000 Sno Pro
Arctic Cat has introduced the 6000 C-TEC engine in 2014 and I had been very impressed by its performances each time I had the chance to test it.  So, it is with great pleasure that I learned that this engine would equip about 15 models in 2015.

Snowmobile Arctic Cat XF 6000 Sno Pro
Snowmobile Arctic Cat XF 6000 Sno Pro

My Arctic Cat favorite lineup is already the XF and the 6000 engine meets my expectations.  What a great combination !  So, I tried out the XF 6000 Sno Pro and I must say that I have been really impressed by its pick-ups coming out of turns and by its accelerations.  It is a machine very easy to handle on sinuous portions and it performs well in bumps.  

The Pantera seduced me but my Arctic Cat favorite is definitively the XF 6000 Sno Pro. 

Polaris introduces for 2015 the AXYS chassis, the new platform for the Rush and Switchback models.  Polaris engineers worked hard to improve our riding experience.  Firstly, we note that the 2015 Rush and Switchback models are much lighter than their previous editions, even reaching a loss of 30 lbs on some models. 

The Polaris 800 Cleanfire engine has been improved in order to be more efficient, more economical and more durable.  Enough preliminaries, let’s get to the point.  Which model impressed me the most ?

Same as previous years, my preference goes by far to the Switchback models and in 2015, my favorite is the Switchback Pro-S.  Effectively, right on the first kilometers, I enjoyed the performances of the engine in accelerations as well as in pick-ups.  Also, the engine is less noisy.  Riding is very precise in turns and darting is highly reduced.  On bumby trails, the snowmobile remains predictable even at high speed. 

Snowmobile Polaris 800 Switchback Pro-S - Édition 60e anniversaire
Snowmobile Polaris 800 Switchback Pro-S – Édition 60e anniversaire

The riding position is great and comfortable.  We get a good vision on the trail.  In brief, I have excellent memories of my test on this model.

For all these reasons, the 800 Switchback Pro-S is my Polaris best pick for 2015.

My close friends know that I really like the X-RS package offered on the MXZ models.  They also know that I prefer trail snowmobiles equipped with 136 in. or even 144 in. track.

For 2015, Ski-Doo makes one of my craziest dreams come true with the presentation of the Renegade equipped with the X-RS package.  I must say that I had to pinch myself to be sure it was true.

Snowmobile Ski-Doo Renegade X-RS 800 E-TEC
Snowmobile Ski-Doo Renegade X-RS 800 E-TEC

So, I was overjoyed when I sat on the Renegade X-RS 800.  The Rotax 800 E-TEC engine offers outstanding performances in regards of power, smoothness, accelerations and pick-ups.  As soon as I saw a few bumps on the side of the trail, I did not hesitate and went for it with this sled that was only awaiting the bumps to show me its capabilities.  The X-RS package passed the test successfully.  I was sad to put an end to my trial but I had run out of time.  So, I gave the machine to one of my colleagues…

Even if it has been a short test, the Renegade X-RS 800 has met my expectations on all the aspects I evaluated.  So, this is my Ski-Doo favorite model for 2015.

This year, the Japanese manufacturer introduces a very interesting model for the Québec market :  the SRViper S-TX DX.  This hybrid snowmobile is designed for snowmobilers who are seeking for a machine efficient on trail as well as off trail.

With a 141 in. Cobra track, taller windshield, heated seat and robust rear rack, the SRViper S-TX DX is a versatile snowmobile.

Snowmobile Yamaha SR Viper S-TX DX
Snowmobile Yamaha SR Viper S-TX DX

Even if I prefer to ride on groomed trails, I never miss a chance to have fun off trail with a few friends, mostly at the beginning of the season.  I had this in mind when I tried out this model.

The 1049 cc Genesis engine offers good performances on trail.  It responses instantly when exiting turns.  The riding and suspension are very appropriate for this category of snowmobile and I would not hesitate to go for a longer ride on trail with this model.  However, the spring snow conditions kept me from putting it to the test off trail.

So, for its versatility and its performances, the SRViper S-TX DX is my Yamaha best pick for 2015.

This concludes my report on my 2015 favorites.  For more information, please contact me at [email protected]

Tourisme La Tuque

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