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Sledmagazine.com Youth Section: first rides!

A few days ago, I went for my two first snowmobile rides! I was so eagerly awaiting for it that I had not been sleeping for the whole week! We rode a total of 245 km (85 km on Friday and 160 km on Saturday).  First, we went to Auberge Le Relais, in Saint-Marcellin, located on the trails of Club Sportif Populaire du Bas-Saint-Laurent.  The day after, we rode on these same trails and also on the trails of Club de Mitis.  The trails were very nice and had just been groomed.  We enjoyed it a lot!

As it is our first ride, we must prepare adequately, take the time to know our machine, start slowly and never take our snowmobile knowledge for granted.  Overall, we must never forget that hitting a tree or leaving the trail is easier than it looks! Especially when crossing other machines.  We must always be careful in tighter trails; other sleds come fast when we do not expect it. In order to make a pleasant event out of our tour, the most important is to put on warm clothes.  Helmet, gloves, boots, coat and pant must be windproof.

I will never forget my first snowmobile rides, due to the beautiful sceneries I saw and the nice day we had.  I can’t wait for my next ride.

A special Thanks to Panda Aventures of Rimouski, the official sponsor of SledMagazine.com Youth Section.  I will publish other articles during the next weeks and you are all invited to follow my adventures.

Polaris Snowmobile

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