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SledMagazine.com acknowledges its collaborators’ commitment

For the last 5 years, the SledMagazine.com collaborators are invited to a breakfast-meeting during the Québec City Motorized Recreational Sports Show.  The purpose of this Saturday morning reunion is to discuss various issues and goals for the upcoming season.

This year, about 20 members had the opportunity to talk about different topics and also to socialize and know each other better.

During the meeting, the SledMagazine.com administration presented last year report and next season objectives. The collaborators then shared their observations, opinions and recommendations; this way, the whole team works together to deliver the best information possible to their snowmobiler readers.

Mr Denis Lavoie, president of SledMagazine.com, presented a souvenir plaques to many team members to acknowledge their involvement.

Here are the nominees who were presented an award:

Mr Marc Thibeault, co-founder of SledMagazine.com, celebrates his 10th anniversary of collaboration.  Marc is a test pilot, a columnist and in charge of many important files.  Marc also takes an active part in the snowmobile industry for many years now.

The Select Group of 5 years’ collaboration welcomes Mr Stéphane Miville and Mrs Karine Beaudoin.

Stéphane is also a test pilot, a columnist and in charge of our collaborators network.  He is a racing fan and member of the official racing team of Team 98 ZoneXtreme.net.  Stéphane has also been the technical section editor for the magazine Motoneige Québec for many years where he got a wide experience in the snowmobile industry.

Karine is a test pilot and a columnist.  Born in the beautiful Abitibi region, she has been snowmobiling since her childhood.  Each season, she rides thousands of miles in many area’s of the Province of Québec.  Karine brings a feminine touch to our sport where more and more women drive  their own machine.

The whole SledMagazine.com teams congratulates these nominees for their continuous effort; they contribute to keep SledMagazine.com the Number 1 snowmobile reference on the web!

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