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Sidewinder LTX 2018 Short-Term Test

Sidewinder LTX 2018 Short-Term Test

This year, I'm spoiled. Indeed, Moto Thibault Marine of Sherbrooke Yamaha dealer gives me the immense privilege to test the Sidewinder LTX 2018.

Snowmobile Sidewinder LTX 2018 Short-Term Test

Snowmobile Sidewinder LTX 2018 Short-Term Test

This snowmobile is powered by a turbocharged 998cc engine that develops 200 HP, making it the most powerful on the market without any modification. As soon as I arrived in Portneuf, I decided to take a little ride to familiarize myself with this snowmobile. Just saying, my snowmobile has half the power of this one!

Snowmobile Sidewinder LTX 2018 Short-Term Test

Snowmobile Sidewinder LTX 2018 Short-Term Test

Snowmobile Sidewinder LTX 2018 Short-Term Test

I then take the trail and analyze the snowmobile. The suspension is firm and well adjusted to me, the driving is good. The handlebar is a bit high and I could not see the instrumentation, so I stop and I took a few seconds to adjust it properly. The instrumentation is aesthetically well done and complete. While I was riding, a path quite straight on several kilometers appears in front of me, for an unexplained reason my brain orders my right thumb to push the accelerator… Wow! A few seconds later, my thumb finally relaxes and my brain analyzed what just happened. What power and adrenaline rush this snowmobile gets you, it's a real beast. 

Snowmobile Sidewinder LTX 2018 Short-Term Test

Snowmobile Sidewinder LTX 2018 Short-Term Test

Snowmobile Sidewinder LTX 2018 Short-Term Test

Unfortunately, the rain came to spoil my test and I only did 306Km, but I still had time to enjoy this sled. It is a snowmobile that looks great and has lots of power to offer, which makes me say that is not a snowmobile for beginners. I think there are two points that could be improved. First, the position of the ignition key is very difficult to access with gloves, they must be removed to start or stop the snowmobile. Second, given the power of this beast, a track with studs would be more appropriate and so it could do less oversteer.

Snowmobile Sidewinder LTX 2018 Short-Term Test

Snowmobile Sidewinder LTX 2018 Short-Term Test

 Sidewinder LTX 2018 Short-Term Test

In conclusion, this powerful trail snowmobile really gave me a buzz and gave me a good dose of adrenaline, but not long enough because of the weather. Next time, because I intend to make another request to our partner. A big thank you to Moto Thibault Marine of Sherbrooke for this snowmobile. For more information, visit their website at www.motosthibault.com.    

Snowmobile Sidewinder LTX 2018 Short-Term Test

Polaris Snowmobile

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