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Short-term trials: Yamaha FX Nytro XTX

Today, we hit the trail with a Yamaha FX Nytro XTX.  The manufacturer calls it the all-terrain machine, that claims to be performing in all conditions.  After a whole day on this snowmobile, we can reinforce Mr Yamaha’s opinion !

Yamaha FX Nytro XTX 2011

The unit we have today offers a few refinements. The skis runners have been improved and studs have been added fairly to the track. On the left side of the handlebar, we find a heated visor outlet; but is it really convenient ?  Moreover, the clutch has been perfectly adjusted by PuissanceRPM services, at RPM Rive-Sud’s.  The drive clutch and the driven clutch have thus been adjusted to refine the engagement point of the clutch and that way, to optimize the transfer of power and the handiness of the snowmobile.  Finally, this machine is equipped with the optional silencer that improves even more the power delivery while keeping the noise to a very acceptable level, a little roaring at low speed, but quite civilized at higher speeds.  The windshield is a little taller than the standard one.

Yamaha FX Nytro XTX 2011

The engine is very enthusiastic.  Strongly coupled and delivering much power at higher speeds, this is a smoothness model.  The accelerations are worth any sport machine and the responses are in keeping.

Yamaha FX Nytro XTX 2011

The FX Nytro XTX is supported by top quality adjustable suspensions that allow to refine the sled behavior to suit the pilot’s preferences.  The size of the windshield is adequate considering the particular ergonomy of this snowmobile; and even the hands are protected against the wind.  The feetrests are located at the right place so that we can be comfortably seated and still be in a quite aggressive control position if needed.

Yamaha FX Nytro XTX 2011

What strikes most is the first time we get on board.  The seat is surprisingly narrow, still very comfortable. In fact, the whole snowmobile is rather narrow.  At first, the handlebar seems too high…, but after 5 minutes, we realize that this position fits perfectly the other ergonomic features.  Actually, it is named the over-the-engine steering.  The riding position is very straight, almost forward; consequently, the sled has an almost perfect balance with a weight distribution that allows the skis to do a remarkable steering job and provides an impeccable grip to the track.

 Yamaha FX Nytro XTX 2011

The fuel capacity is only 28 l, which explains the fuel caddies behind the running board, just in case.  The instrument panel is limited but well designed with a digital odometer, a fuel level indicator and a tripmeter.  The gauge also displays the hand and thumb warmers intensity.  Quick remark here, there is only one control button for the heating devices and it is used for the thumb as well as for the hands.  With the first push, you choose to adjust the thumb or the hands.  The following pushes only rise the level; when it reaches the top, it comes back down.  In other words, to lower the level, we push first to choose from the thumb or the hands, then many pushes to reach the top level, then other pushes to set the level we prefer.  After a while, this is annoying.

Yamaha FX Nytro XTX 2011

The finishing is perfect, as for all the Yamaha snowmobiles.  The FX Nytro XTX tested today may bring some comments with its futuristic looks; sure thing, it is an eye-catching snowmobile.  We think this is a success. 

In trail, the FX Nytro XTX behavior is impressive.  The steering is so precise that we need a few minutes to get used to it.  The front suspension, with the manufacturer adjustments, made us appreciate this sled despite the variable conditions we had all day long on hardpack as well as in fresh snow.  On flat terrain or in bumps, the front end stayed in full control and was even comfortable.  Same thing for the rear end, where the 144 in. track is mounted on rails with a 6-degree rear tip-up.  On hardpack, it runs like a short track model; in fresh snow, it runs like a long track model.  Very efficient.  And very pleasant.

Yamaha FX Nytro XTX 2011

Today, we rode exactly 150 km and we consumed 21,3 l of fuel, for an average fuel consumption of 14,2 l / 100 km.

1 Handling and riding position 3 / 5  4 / 5
2 Comfort and suspension 4 / 5  4 / 5
3 Access to controls 4 / 5  4 / 5
4 Engine power 4 / 5  4 / 5
5 Engine noise and vibrations 4 / 5  4 / 5
6 Track rolling 4 / 5  4 / 5
7 Track pulling 3 / 5  3 / 5
8 Vehicle finishing 4,5 / 5  4,5 / 5
9 Odors and gas fumes 5 / 5  5 / 5
10 Fuel consumption  4 / 5 4,5 / 5
11 Passenger position N/A N/A
12 Passenger comfort  N/A  N/A
 Total  39,5 / 50 41 / 50

The snowmobiles we tested today have been gracefully made available to us by our excellent collaborator RPM Rive-Sud.

226 Chemin des Iles
Lévis, Qc
G6V 7M5
Phone : 418-835-1624


We would also like to mention how much we appreciate the collaboration of Kimpex.  Indeed, our test pilots are equipped with Kimpex clothes and accessories.  We really wear them and we appreciate them !

Tourisme La Tuque

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