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Saskatchewan: Snowmobile enthusiasts getting anxious for a major snow fall

The lack of snow in Saskatchewan is disappointing snowmobile enthusiasts.

Chris Brewer from the Saskatchewan Snowmobile Association says right across the province riders are anxiously awaiting a major snowfall.

Brewer cautions against riding on frozen bodies of water, however.

“I think it’s pretty standard all over. One of the things we’ve got to make ourselves aware of is you may want to venture out on a lake or a river because it looks like there’s lots of snow on it but we haven’t had an extremely cold fall to form real good ice,” he said.

Some riders are hard-pressed to come up with any nearby trails that have enough snow to go riding.

Shaun Warkentin from Rally Motorsports in Prince Albert says it’s not unusual around here to see a later start to the snowmobile season.

He says people are still buying but may have to wait till after the holidays to start riding.

Edited by News Talk Radio’s Karin Yeske.

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