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Safety first for wonderful holidays

Safety first for wonderful holidays

All team members of SledMagazine.com want you to remember that this holiday season is the best time to play with snow and to go snowmobiling.

However, to enjoy this pleasant period to the most, do not forget that one moment of distraction, excess of confidence may totally spoil your holidays.

Unexpected but suddenly necessary friends

A short sleigh ride towards health cares, phew!

Each year, medias report incidents where snowmobilers have overestimated the thickness and reliability of the ice on lakes and water ways. Even covered with snow, the ice cover may still be too thin to support our weight plus the weight of our powerful snowmobile. Currents may also modify the conditions from one place to the other and splash! A bath in icy water!

Rather cold, isn’t it? 

A few minutes only to get out before hypothermia. It is hard to grip something, you must kick like a seal, glide and roll hoping it will hold!

Phew, rescuers are close and prepared. Unfortunately, it is not the same in forest.

Quite cold for a ride on a Zodiac! 

I did not plan it this way. Emergency room is better than morgue! Saved in extremis! Plans for the evening are modified.

Other risks, with appropriate signs, deserve our attention.

Crossings of roads, railroads, logging roads, roads we share and where we ride on shoulders.

Finally, the tricks made up by our brain :

“ You can do it, you are not so drunk, I’ll show him I can arrive before he does. ”

Whoops, I’m in trouble! ???? 

Finally, if you think that forest and farmlands are clean and enjoyable, why not keep it that way?

If you stay on the trail, you will avoid long detours because, this way, your snowmobile club will not have lost the rights of passage. No more than a few vandals to lose it all. Snowmobiling through private properties is a privilege! Wave goodbye to owners to show your gratitude and appreciation.

Finally, please avoid backfiring. Manufacturers produce snowmobiles that are more silent and environmentally-friendly than ever; all is missing is the right attitude from some snowmobilers, which does not always follow technology.

Hundreds of volunteers work hard to offer you beautiful trails, convenient and friendly installations on the largest trail circuit of the world, 33 000 km. We are privileged.

Enjoy it fully, but take care of it!

We wish you wonderful holidays and we hope to see you again on trails.







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