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President’s Message New Brunswick Trail Permit Prices in 2018

President’s Message New Brunswick Trail Permit Prices in 2018

For 2018 your Trail Permit will increase after being held at the same price for three (3) consecutive seasons; the 2015 early price was $175.00, 2016 was $175.00 and 2017 was $175.00. In 2018 here is a list of our most sold Permits and prices. A complete list of all Trail Permit types – the most selection in North America – is available at www.nbfsc.com

• Seasonal – Early; October till December 15th 2017 / $180.00 before HST

• Seasonal – Normal; December 16th, 2017 & rest of winter / $255.00 before HST

• Classic; all season / $100.00 before HST

• Antique: all season / $55.00 before HST

So in 2015 you purchased your seasonal Trail Permit for $175.00 or $245.00 and also paid the same prices again in 2016 and 2017. In 2015 the Member Clubs of the NBFSC groomed 30,500 hours of trails, in 2016 they groomed 16,166 hours of trails and at the end of 2017 they had groomed 26,733 hours. Our records and memory show that 2015 is the largest season of snowmobile trail grooming ever since 1996, with an average of over 20,000 hours every season.  

If you own a Classic snowmobile, now a 2008 or older, you have paid $95.00 for your Trail Permit since 2015, a three year period. Classic snowmobile Permits were approximately 4 % of all sales in 2017 and this number has been consistent, not growing or shrinking since their inception. The $5.00 increase is the 5th price increase since 2007. It began at $65.00 in 2007.

If you own an Antique snowmobile, now a 1998 or older, you have paid $50.00 for your Trail Permit since 2015, a three year period. Antique snowmobile Permits were approximately 12 % of all sales in 2017 and this number has been consistent, not growing or shrinking since their inception. The $5.00 increase is the 5th price increase since 2007. It began at $30.00 in 2007.

We trust you can find a 2018 Trail Permit for your riding; hardcore, all season, mid-season, older sleds, occasionally or often, with regular riding buddies, your better half or the entire family. Remember we have more Trail Permit choices – types – than any other snowmobile jurisdiction in North America. With twelve (12) types of trail permits we have eliminated all of the excuses to not ride!

All preseason NBFSC Trail Permits are on sale from October 10th, 2017. All NBFSC Trail Permits are available until the end of your 2018 riding season.

Brad Mann, President, NBFSC, “A Volunteer Organization”

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