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Preparation for the 2011 Cain’s Quest Snowmobile Race is well underway

Preparation for the 2011 Cain’s Quest Snowmobile Race is well underway with racer registration opening in less than a week. Last year, teams were required to tow sleighs for a significant portion of the race. This was the first time this rule was implemented and was done so as a result of a last minute route change. The original route was set to take teams through communities along coastal Labrador and as far north as Nain. Lack of snow and ice made this route inaccessible and only 8 weeks before the race a new route was developed to keep teams inland and take them to the more northerly point of Kuujjuaq, Quebec. This change meant racers had to travel extended distances to remote checkpoints where there would be no fuel available to purchase. Teams would need to tow their own fuel.
This year, racers and race fans alike have been anxiously awaiting news from the Cain’s Quest committee pertaining to the mandatory use of sleighs for the 2012 event and whether or not it will even be necessary.
The Cain’s Quest organizing committee met last night and after careful review, it was the consensus of the committee to remove the mandatory sleigh rule for 2012. It was expressed at the meeting that the sleighs were never a part of Cain’s Quest and only came into play last year in response to an unforeseeable issue with inaccessibility of the original 2011 route. If a team chooses to tow a sleigh for 2012, they have the option but as far as the 2012 Rules and Regulations are concerned, it will not be mandatory.
This year, the Cain’s Quest route is slated to be the longest to date at more than 2800km. The route will take teams through 7 Labrador communities including a start and finish in Labrador City proceeding to Churchill Falls, Happy Valley-Goose Bay, Postville, Makkovik, Hopedale, Natuashish and Nain as well as 2 Quebec communities in Quebec including Kuujjuaq and Schefferville. There will be remote checkpoints along the way and teams will be racing through some of the most unforgiving terrain the two provinces have to offer.
Adding a new element to the race, Cain’s Quest will be implementing a new purse payout strategy as well. The top prize for the first team to cross the finish line will be 2 new Arctic Cat snowmobiles with a combined value of $34,000 and $1000 in cold hard cash!
The new payout scheme also gives teams an opportunity to win cash at major checkpoints depending on their arrival position. Checkpoint purse payouts will be awarded to 1st, 2nd and 3rd place teams arriving into a particular layover checkpoint. Checkpoint #4 (Happy Valley- Goose Bay) will have a $3000 purse up for grabs,

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