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Polaris Pro-RMK 850 155 2019 – Pre-Ride Analysis

Polaris Pro-RMK 850 155 2019 – Pre-Ride Analysis

Patriot, Pro-RMK, Axys, React, these are words with a lot of meaning for the Polaris Pro-RMK 2019. Despite a mature platform, the new version of Polaris makes us extremely nervous when we take the time to look at all the additions for 2019. It is with a smile that I remember driving the 2016 version of the Pro-RMK. This smile goes up to the top of my ears thinking about the evolution of the model over the years!

Polaris Pro-RMK 850 155 2019 - Pre-Ride Analysis - snowmobiles - snowmobilers
A memory of the Pro-RMK 2016 test


This great new engine will be a significant addition to our test this season. There is no doubt that the power provided by the new 850 engine will be appreciated in technical situations where immediate acceleration is needed. Also, combined with the 155-inch track, this engine will certainly make it easier to perform longer wheelies than with the 800 Cleanfire.


The new React suspension is probably the feature I’m most looking forward to testing this season. I’m used to the rigidity of the Axys platform and the short moments I had the chance to try the Pro-RMK 2019 at the last Snow Shoot make me think I’m going to have to get used to having a much more “React” ive suspension. This suspension also allows you to adjust the width between skis up to only 36”.


One of the advantages of choosing the Patriot this year is the PowderTrac XT Running Boards. Deep snow enthusiasts, like me, will undoubtedly appreciate this improvement on the 850 models of mountain snowmobiles.

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During the last SnowShoot

As I write this, I am still waiting to drive my first few kilometers with the Polaris Pro-RMK 850 155 2019. To make sure you don’t miss my first comments, follow us on Instagram [https://instagram.com/motoneiges.ca] this season! Thanks to Polaris for their trust again this year in SledMagazine.com!

Have a good season, be careful!

Polaris Snowmobile

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