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Polaris 800 Switchback PRO-S 2015: final report

Honestly, I always said to snowmobilers : « Be careful about your thoughts and purchase impulses when new technologies are introduced in the snowmobile world. It happened often in the past that some snowmobilers who bought a vehicle on its first year of platform, suspension or engine, became testers. Very often, they saw on the following year, major adjustments of this same technology. They could feel like testers of the first year of a technology, but at full price. This said, I must admit it… things are changing and for the best! 

Since a few years, this phenomenon is disappearing for most of the manufacturers, such as Polaris with their new snowmobiles built on the new AXYS chassis. These machines have been totally redesigned by 93 % and the result is very positive right on the first year despite the major modifications brought to the main components. To find the successful balance between a new chassis, a new suspension and a new engine right from the first year, this is the amazing feat that Polaris achieved with the 800 H.O. Switchback PRO-S. After riding over 5 000 in all kinds of conditions, I can say that I am totally satisfied with my season because the result is definitely over my expectations for a first year.

The 2015 Polaris 800 H.O. Switchback PRO-S is remarkable by its versatility and its capability to ride high mileage all season long.
The 2015 Polaris 800 H.O. Switchback PRO-S is remarkable by its versatility and its capability to ride high mileage all season long. 


The balance provided by the AXYS chassis is definitely one of the most important features of a whole season with the new Switchback PRO-S in various trail conditions and situations. When we ride many thousands of kilometers during a season, it is usual to experience some unexpected situations where the pilot has to make quick decisions. As it is much more predictable than the PRO-Ride generation, I have been able to correct a few situations where maybe I had wrongly evaluated the terrain since the snowmobile easily forgives some small mistakes made by the pilot. It is important to understand the balance of the vehicle because we must consider the central point of balance located on front of the track. Once this is understood (+- 500 km), we get very skilled with the vehicle, which obeys to our commands on the spot. The reduced weight of the machine compared with the previous generation (+- 50 lb/22,6 kg), mostly on the rear suspension, makes a huge difference. We also get the feeling that the snowmobile is much smaller than the previous generation, which makes us feel in symbiosis with it. Even without any accessory under the skis, we can quickly find how to get a precise riding and less understeering. Unlike what Polaris got us used to in the past, the riding requires a little more effort at the shoulders on longer rides. 

Even if it is not an off-trail snowmobile, the new AXYS platform is much more efficient in off-trail riding due mostly to its reduced weight and improved balance in comparison with the PRO-Ride chassis
 Even if it is not an off-trail snowmobile, the new AXYS platform is much more efficient in off-trail riding due mostly to its reduced weight and improved balance in comparison with the PRO-Ride chassis.   


The manufacturer Polaris gives much attention to the pilot’s comfort since a few years. Polaris people have produced a chassis and a suspension with outstanding results of sporty riding combined with pilot’s comfort, which is not always obvious. Thus, the PRO-S edition of the Switchback I put to test all winter long offers a package much more adapted to trail riders than the PRO-X. No more ski lift in turns; the Switchback remains planted which does not require that the pilot leans forward aggressively. On bumpy trails, the PRO-XC rear suspension is still comfortable while being more gradual than the previous generation. At 185 lb/84 kg, I adjusted the front springs with important preload (3/4) in order to keep a good riding, and also at the rear end to prevent compression. Same thing for the shock located at front of the rear suspension; this one must not be too soft because there is a propulsion effect when exiting big bumps. In regards of the rebound adjustments on the shocks, it is only a matter of preferences in accordance with your riding style. Even if softening the angle of attack of the track has greatly reduced the bottoming effect in some types of bumps, it is not totally eliminated. We know that comfort is closely related to the riding position on the machine. In this matter, the Switchback is almost perfect because we are always at the right position to deal with various situations. Our comfort is mainly due to the shape of the seat, even if this one could be a little more cushioned.   

The increased comfort of the 2015 Switchback is remarkable in comparison with the 2014 edition.
The increased comfort of the 2015 Switchback is remarkable in comparison with the 2014 edition.  

Power and traction

With the large number of new technologies offered by the new 800 Cleanfire H.O. engine, we could only have great expectations in terms of performance from the Switchback. Many had talked about more than 160 HP and I have not been disappointed by the power delivered by my sled. I experienced many exhilarating moments during my season thanks to the performance of the machine. The fuel consumption goes from 17 to 19 l per 100 km according to the style of riding. In terms of oil consumption, it is about 0,5 l per 100 km. We quickly forget these figures because the powerful engine responses are impressive  and throttle responses are instant at all speeds. The P85/TEAM LWT clutch transfers all the available power to the RipSaw II track of 15x137x1,25". This one could have a lug of 1,5 in./3,8 cm because the vehicle skids in acceleration in some deep snow conditions. However, it becomes an advantage in turns because the track offers a perfect point of lateral skid for a 137 in./348 cm track, which makes the Switchback very nimble in sporty riding.  

The 137 track combined with the power of the new 800 H.O. offers very good results during both on- and off-trail rides.
The 137 track combined with the power of the new 800 H.O. offers very good results during both on- and off-trail rides. 

Accessories and finish

As I already said, the quality of the design, the assembly and the finish of the new AXYS chassis of the Switchback is much better than the previous generation. The design of the central hood makes it easier to remove and the side panels equipped with the new anchorings are much more easier to use even under extreme cold weather. The electric start is much more silent than before and it is also more efficient under cold weather. The decision to offer DEL lights as a standard feature is obviously an advantage for Polaris since it is remarkably efficient. I would award a special recognition to the new electric controls that we had been expecting for so long; same thing for the longer and safer brake lever. The overall style of the vehicle attracted everyone’s attention as the sharp design of the hood has pleased a lot of snowmobilers we met on trails.

At the end of this season, our test pilot Marc Thibeault is obviously satisfied with his experience on the 2015 800 H.O. Switchback PRO-S.
At the end of this season, our test pilot Marc Thibeault is obviously satisfied with his experience on the 2015 800 H.O. Switchback PRO-S.  


One way to know if a snowmobile has reached its goals is to look at the modifications brought by engineers on its second year. A winning product usually does not present important changes on its second year. I would bet that changes on the Switchback PRO-S will be minor for 2016. This snowmobile provides a lot of fun and thrills all while being very comfortable for very long rides. My test model was equipped with standard features and offered small storage room for long rides, but Polaris offers great Lock & Ride storage accessories to complete the Switchback for your adventures of several days. I really liked this snowmobile the whole season because on each one of my rides, I lived great moments of performance, comfort and handiness. Also, I had once again this year the chance to receive precious advices from CM Barbeau team, Polaris dealer north of Québec City. They helped me with  the proper adjustments and the maintenance all season long. Personally, I can say that the new AXYS platform totally fulfilled my expectations right from its first year of introduction, which is quite an exploit. The manufacturer from Minnesota had created huge expectations last spring and he did not disappointed me because the 2015 Polaris 800 H.O. Switchback PRO-S offers all the qualities seeked by trail snowmobilers. Do not hesitate in your 2016 SnowCheck, you will not regret it! 

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