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On line trials: What an Experience!!! 509’s Evolution Helmet and Aviator goggles

As your experience as a snowmobiler increases you get more and more particular about your choices in equipment, especially head gear. For many years I’ve battled with getting acclimated to riding with a modular style helmet. And believe me…….. I’ve had the opportunity to experience many models of many different brands. The latest gimmick, in breath deflectors or heated visors, I never was totally comfortable or satisfied. In my continued attempt to find helmet happiness, I made the switch to a snow cross type helmet and goggles.

 The thing with snow cross helmets and goggles is that the helmet you like the looks of typically comes from one company and the goggles come from another company. So getting a perfect fit combination of the two was very hard for me. In warmer riding temperatures it really wasn’t a problem but in the eastern Quebec cold it was. After many trials, adjustment and "duck tape" I could manage, but it still wasn’t perfect.


One day at the Syracuse Snowmobile Show, I was walking around which led me to the 509 booth where I met Tom Delanoy from 509 products. Tom was very informative and easy to talk with as he explained the unique 509 technology while I was trying them on. After trying a few combinations, I was amazed by the fit and finish of the Evolution helmet and Aviator goggles being one with each other. I immediately asked Tom if he and 509 knew the SledMagazine.com and motoneiges.ca. I explained the big picture of our trials articles on different types of snowmobile gear and  products. Tom liked the concept and we began a partnership project that would ultimately change my choice of headgear from that day on.


A few weeks after the show with help of Guy from Splash’n Dirt who is the distributor of the 509 products in Quebec, our 509 test gear arrived. I was just like a kid the day after Christmas, I couldn’t wait to go and try them out!


On my first day out, I was amazed by the panoramic view offered by the Aviator goggles. Another exceptional feature was the perfect seal from the helmet to the goggles; they were a perfect match with my face. During the beginning of winter, warmer temperatures and wet sticky snow are typical conditions.  I usually needed more then one pair of goggles to make it through the day, but with the 509 fan system in the aviator’s, I was clear and good to go!


The unique design of the Aviator lens doesn’t let any snow to pack into the sides which keeps the foam seal dry and functional. No need for wiping, rags or stopping for a goggle switch. For the first time in my snowmobile life, it was very nice that I had nothing to worry about in the vision department.


As the Eastern Quebec cold of mid January arrived the real testing time began. SledMagazine.com was holding a team ride event in the famous MontValins area and the temperatures were some of the coldest that I had ever rode in. While getting ready to ride on the first morning, my SledMagazine buddies looked at me and said “you’re not riding with that helmet today, are you?” Everybody was certain that with an open helmet and goggles, my face would freeze in minutes. As a precaution I decided to add a Kevlar  balaclava and started the 509 fan system in the Aviator goggles to avoid a frost build up.


 After a few miles we stopped to see if everybody was OK and to my friends surprise there was steam coming from my helmet, but no sign what so ever of frost in my goggles. As we arrived at our lunch destination, I enthusiastically proclaimed that this 509 helmet / goggle combination was the best piece of riding equipment that I ever experienced and everybody should have some. That night at the lodge my 509 kit was inspected from every possible angle by each and every SledMagazine collaborator. I remained in comfort and visibility for the rest of that trip and the rest of the 2012 season, which was very peculiar in Quebec, with significant variations in snow conditions and temperatures.


There was one last test I wanted to make and that was in the high elevations of real mountains!  This past march I had the chance to do it when I was invited to represent SledMagazine.com at the media “Snow Shoot” event in West Yellowstone Montana. I couldn’t wait to see how the 509’s would react in higher altitude mountains and fog. Once again the 509 helmet / goggle combination rocked my snowmobiling vision world! Everyone in my group had vision problems requiring them to stop and wipe their goggles or change them completely to another dry pair. At the end of our mountains sled trials,  my colleagues all noted my lack of vision difficulty throughout the entire day and said that they wanted to experience 509’s in the future.


 Through all of my test and trials the 509 Evolution helmet and Aviator goggles passed with flying colors and I can confidently recommend them to all trail, hardcore backcountry and mountain riders. They are perfectly matched to one another and designed to handle a beating as I hope my pictures show. For more information and articles on the 509 products, I invite you to visit the 509 website at www.509films.com and  www.sledmagazine.com






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