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On line trials: First impressions with the Woody’s traction studs

Studs are installed, on the trails we go… Is there any ice this winter?  What are the trails conditions?  Some will say they are icy! I say they are just great!

Let us be objective now. After one or two days riding on trails with Woody’s studs and runners, I can say that differences on trail surfaces are less noticeable.  Usually, after a grooming machine passage, trail conditions are excellent; then, after some time, ice may appear. Weather also affects the surface of the trails. Hard packed snow may cover it. So we must adjust our riding to changeable conditions.

I must say that now, those differences are less noticeable. The addition of studs provides more traction on icy or hard packed surfaces.  No more cold sweat when stopping on unpredictable ice and no more slipping on ice before crossing a road !

Suspension adjustments…

I installed studs and new runners to balance the right amount of traction in the front vs the rear traction. As there is more traction at rear end, we need more aggressive ski runners to maintain control of our sled in curves.

Despite that, I had to adjust the suspension. I must admit that it was already hard to control my snowmobile in turns due to its 136 in. track. So, I keep on testing and until now, results are encouraging.

In my next article to be published, I will present my conclusion about this test. I will have all the elements required to share with you my impressions on riding with studs in every conditions.


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