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Not safe to go snowmobiling on area waterways

For snowmobiling on frozen rivers and lakes, we need a few more frosty nights for the ice to thicken and make it safe enough.

Therefore, it’s always good common sense to chip or drill a hole through the ice and check its thickness plus the quality of the ice before heading on to it with a sled.

Don’t let yourself be fooled by other daredevils already out there and become a statistic yourself.

At the beginning of freeze-up season, be very careful when travelling in the dark. Make absolutely sure that there is no open water ahead of you.

When snowmobiling on land, always respect the rights of private property owners! Your best travel is obviously on groomed trails, some parts of which may traverse private land. Always stay on the marked trail and don’t venture into farmers’ fields, which may be seeded already with winter seed. Disrespect of private property may cause the landowner to simply close off that trail which he was kind enough to consent. Don’t you become the cause for such action.

When snowmobiling on ice where fishermen are present, pass them with reasonable speed and don’t ruin their ice fishing effort by cruising around them for any length of time; they will be thankful for your courtesy.

If you are not the snowmobile cruising type, but simply use parts of a snow trail to go to your hunt camp or simply ice fishing, you need not buy a snow trail permit, as long as you can prove the purpose of your travel and your destination.

If you go ice fishing by snowmobile or tired vehicle onto the ice, you must use common sense and abide by all above safety rules. And also, you must follow all rules under Ontario’s Fishing Regulations; study these carefully before setting out.

Some lakes have size limits for certain species and some sensitive lakes are actually closed to all ice fishing. Not reading those regulations can result in being charged. And be aware, Conservation Officers will not only check your fishing

licence and possession limits and whether you are attending more than two fishing lines -they will also enforce regulations under the Liquor Control Act and ensure that you have a snowmobile licence and adequate insurance.


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