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NHSA’s Gail Hanson Wins Award

The legacy of snowmobiling’s"" famed Iron Dog Brigade (irondogbrigade.com) lives on with the “George Eisenthuth Distinguished Service Award”.

This year’s award was presented to Gail Hanson of New Hampshire for her many years of dedicated service to the sport of snowmobiling. Gail started her involvement in snowmobiling as a volunteer at the local club level and has been the Executive Director of the New Hampshire Snowmobile Association for the past 11 years. Gail was the first women to hold a Snowmobile Associations’ Executive Director position and has been involved with all aspects of the sport including trail grooming and web site development. 


Gail Hanson, NHSA, Executive Director

Gail works closely with state agencies and officials as well as preparing important legislative testimony and planning Association conferences, events and workshops.  Gail is also the editor for the Associations’ news letter called “Sno-Traveler” which can be found at NHSA.com. 

Gail is a snowmobile leader who “makes thing happen and gets thing done” and is well known as she travels across the State on behalf of Snowmobiling. 

She has long been recognized for her dedication to snowmobiling and was appointed by the New Hampshire Governor to serve on the State Park Commission in 2006. In 2006 she was also awarded the “State Trail Advocacy Award” in recognition of her successful advocacy in creating public policies supporting trail planning, development and protection. In 2009 Gail received the Easter Seals Appreciation award for her long standing commitment to Camp SnoMo and the Easter Seals Ride-In. She also received the honor of representing Snowmobiling during a campaign event where she spent the day with President George W. Bush.

Gail’s largest effort and most action filled annual event is the New Hampshire Associations’ premier fund raising, snowmobile celebration “Race into Winter”, which is held each year on Columbus day weekend at Peterson’s Brookdale farm in Fremont NH. nhgrassdrags.com (look for SledMagazine.com’s upcoming article on this incredible “do not miss” event).

Gail considers it an honor to serve as the NHSA Executive Director and to be a positive part of promoting and protecting the sport of snowmobiling in New Hampshire.
Source: NHSA Sno-Traveler

For more information on the mission, work and activities of the NHSA as well as information on snowmobiling in New Hampshire. Visit NHSA.com 

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