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New York State Snowmobile Association Gears Up For 2012 Season

While the snow has been slow to fly in most parts of New York State, snowmobile season is right around the bend.  The New York State Snowmobile Association reminds snowmobilers throughout the state that local trails are not open until the local club has inspected and cleared trails for the 2012 season.
“Our number one priority is safety and that is why we ask all snowmobilers to reach out to their local club before hitting the trails for the first time,” Jim Rolf, Trail Coordinator for NYSSA said in a news release. “New York State was hit by Tropical Storms Irene and Lee this summer and due to their destructive nature the clubs are finding damage to, and the wash-out of trails throughout the state, especially in the Adirondacks, Catskill and eastern NY. Our local clubs are working to inspect and repair these trails in order to ensure a safe experience throughout the season.”
Snowmobilers are encouraged to visit www.nysnowmobiler.com for information on local clubs as well as the latest news on snowmobiling in New York State.
The snowmobile season does not traditionally begin until after the hunting season ends in late December, but the NYSSA is urging all snowmobilers to check with their local clubs before hitting the trails since the snow has been slow to fall this year. 
“We are looking forward to another great year of snowmobiling,” Dominic Jacangelo, Executive Director of NYSSA said in the news release.  “The snowmobile industry has a $1 billion impact in New York State, mainly upstate. Our Association works with local municipalities and land owners to provide additional riding options for our members as well as identifying opportunities to work with local businesses to ensure services are available to our participants.”
NYSSA encourages all snowmobilers to refrain from consuming any amount of alcohol until they have parked their snowmobiles for the day. 

“Operating a snowmobile requires the sharpest of senses.  Don’t invite something bad to happen by consuming any amount of alcohol before your riding is done,” said NYSSA President Gary Broderick. 

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