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New Michigan snowmobiling signs

LANSING (AP) — Snowmobilers in Michigan will see some new signs on the trails this season.

The state Department of Natural Resources sid there are five new sign types. Also, 10 past sign types are being eliminated. The DNR says an aim is to have less clutter along 6,400 miles of designated trails and provide for more consistency statewide.

The changes were made based on recommendations submitted by a DNR citizens’ advisory workgroup that included motorized trail users, trail maintenance organizations, members of the DNR’s Snowmobile Advisory Workgroup and the Michigan Snowmobile Association.

New signs include « Combination Horizontal Alignment/Intersection, Private Drives Ahead, One-Direction Large Arrow, Next (number of) Miles and Trail Closed to Wheeled Motor Vehicles Ahead » Details and sign examples are posted online.


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