To better understand this, I need to take you on a short trip down my Snow Shoot memory lane.
My first year attending the prestigious manufacturer sponsored Snow Shoot 2012 media event was as a lucky, last minute fill in with an organization that had received an invitation to the Snow Shoot event for the first time. Our team of only 2 arrived with very close to “zero” information about the format of the event.

We did not know who to talk to, what to do, where to ride or how to approach the significant tasks of covering every technology, enhancement and snowmobile model that would be part of the 2012 model year. I was at the very beginning of trying to transfer my lifelong passion for snowmobiling from my head and soul to written words that snowmobilers might find interesting to read.

The Phantom
We did the best we could while learning a new game without the benefit of a playbook. We test rode sleds for 802 miles, took endless notes and photographed as much as was possible for a team of 2 rookies. Everyone was new to me and I found myself intimidated being next to big time snowmobile media members. I was outside my comfort zone (unless I was riding), overwhelmed by the task, humbled by the opportunity, clueless to the process and like a kid in a candy store, all at the same time. Under prepared and overwhelmed, that was my 1st Snow Shoot experience!
In my 2nd trip to Snow Shoot for model year 2013, I was much more at ease and familiar with the event, location and schedule. I recognized several event organizers and manufacturer representatives and a few of them recognized me, but there were still new and unfamiliar aspects.This was my first winter of association with the / organization and I was the new guy on the 5 member Snow Shoot team.

Sled Magazine Team
I joined because I was very impressed with their credibility, product, dedication, professionalism and the fact that they are true snowmobilers in every positive sense of the word. had put a lot of confidence in me and my potential to add to their respected organization and I did not want to disappoint. I blended in, struggled with the language barrier and learned their schedule and emphasis as best I could.The / team was very welcoming to their 1st American columnist; we made a great team and had a great time.

If you read my 2013 Snow Shoot experience article (please do), you will see that a significant part of my 2nd Snow Shoot was my first “true” high mountain, deep snow experience. I was unfamiliar and under skilled in mountain riding techniques and overwhelmed by the natural beauty of the total experience at the same time. Despite the new aspects of my 2nd year at Snow Shoot, I felt more a part of it, more familiar more comfortable and slightly more adventurous. If you get the idea that being comfortable in my surroundings is important to me, you would be correct. I’m working on pushing myself outside my comfort zone and developing new skills and invite you to follow my progress.
For Snow Shoot 2014, I was fortunate and honored with another invitation to join the / team of 6.

In preparation for the most recent Snow Shoot event, one of my personal focuses was to be in better condition and physically stronger. My motivations “in random order” were to keep pace with younger members of the team, improve my mountain riding performance, be younger this year than I was last year and be in better cardio condition to handle the energy draining effects of Montana’s high elevations. I am happy to report that my efforts were successful.
At Snow Shoot 2014, I experienced a much higher level of comfort, familiarity and confidence. I was no longer a new guy. I knew my team members, other media members, marketing people, engineering staff, event organizers, the gas guy “Jim”, a few bartenders and they knew me. Over the past 3 years many people have become familiar with my face, my love of having a good time, my passion for snowmobiling and my personal style of presenting information and experiences to / readers. People ask for and value my opinion and I no longer feel like an outsider. I feel like a legitimate part of the event and an exclusive group of respected snowmobile media members. With greater confidence, I pushed myself outside my comfort zone.

Mountain Riding
I was more adventurous and successful on the mountain sleds and less inhibited during the shooting of the video clips that will become a larger part of future presentations. I have learned what to do, when to do it, where to go and how to best organize my observations and thoughts.
If you find yourself thinking “that’s a nice story, but what’s in it for me and why should I care?” Here is your answer.
Increased experience in anything always leads to better performance and it has allowed me to become a more active and successful partner in advancing the exposure and credibility of / which opens more opportunities for greater advanced information. Experience has given me the comfort and confidence to become a better reporter and communicator of information to you.
Three years of Snow Shoot experience has allowed me to strengthen and expand important partnerships, all of which benefit you “the reader”. Passion, access, credibility and EXPERIENCE are the reasons that our partnerships, access, readership and organization continues to grow.
With Snow Shoot experience and an incredible team, I know who to talk with, what to ask and how to get the best of insider information.

Greg with Yamaha and Polaris guys
I know which trails and areas to ride to offer you “real world” feedback on the types of conditions you are interested in. I have developed skills to provide you with better information on sled models that are different than what I typically ride on the trails. From the latest technologies and advancements, to how next year’s models look, sound, handle and ride, to the next best thing to come, experience allows me to see more, ask more, hear more, learn more, dig deeper and bring it all to you.

Greg on Renegade 800X
With increased experience, I look forward to bringing you passionate snowmobiling articles from the heart and from the seat for many seasons to come.
My most memorable 2014 Snow Shoot experience was………….EXPERIENCE!