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MXZ Renegade 600HO E-TEC : Pre-ride analysis

It’s with a lot of enthusiasm that we took possession of our new BRP snowmobile which is going to be in the long-term trials this season.  Precisely, we will have the chance to test the brand new MXZ Renegade 600HO E-TEC, provided with the first 2 strokes engine with direct gas injection in the industry.  Developing the same power than the 600SDI of the last years, which is120 hp, this new Rotax of 594,4 cc characterizes itself by its fine technology « E-TEC » issued from the Evinrude division of  BRP.  

With this innovation, Evinrude won many prizes in the United States regarding the exceptional environmental qualities of the 2 strokes engine.  The new Rotax E-Tec engine, issued from Evinrude technology, produces less polluting emissions than all two strokes on the market, even some 4 strokes actually offered, and proposes a gas consumption of about 25 MPG and approximately 1 litre of oil for 400 to 500 km.  If we consider that we made more than 23 MPG in good conditions with a 600HO SDI that the manufacturer announced at 20 MPG, we are excited to see by ourselves how far we can go! 


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