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ToggleMost of us who ride in Quebec or live anywhere near were aware of the recent “effective immediately” pilot project by the Quebec Minister of Transport. This action was perceived by virtually everyone within the snowmobile community to effectively ban on the use of traction studs on snowmobiles.
After just 6 days of overwhelming adverse response, all Quebec riders were assured by the MTQ that the poorly worded action was all an unfortunate misunderstanding? During the resulting week long panic and mass mobilization of input and appeal, one fact was made perfectly clear by thousands. The use of traction studs has become an integral part of safe snowmobiling and their use is relied upon by an incredible number of safer riders.
As weather conditions become increasingly erratic and sled traffic becomes heavy, controlled operation in icy corners and safe stops at road crossings becomes more and more of a challenge. Studding is no longer the high performance thing it may have been in earlier days. Modern traction product use is now much more moderate, offering users and those around them the benefit of greater safety for all. Many snowmobilers heard and read many expressions of increased safety during the debate over the proposed stud ban. And many snowmobilers are now considering adding increased safety to their snowmobile experiences.
These recently highlighted realities together with the challenging and icy trail conditions of this winter offer the perfect timing for an introduction to the traction products of Mack Stud of New Hampshire USA.

The history of Mack Studs is a really nice story
For many years Owners Jim and Carla operated a successful fastener (nuts, bolts, washers stuff like that) business in New Hampshire. They also had 5 kids and everyone loved to snowmobile. It was common to have 7 or more snowmobiles around the house. Jim and Carla’s desire for increased control and safety for their family led to their use of “available at the time” traction studs.
If you have ever seen a passionate, storytelling, larger than life, full of energy, fun to be around guy with an infectious laugh at a restaurant, it may have been Jim. Jim is a make it better, make it happen kind of guy and he wasn’t particularly happy with the durability of or the customer support for the studs he felt he was paying too much money for. About 15 years ago Jim told Carla that they could do it better, make better stronger studs, sell them for less and stand behind them better. Carla said “then let’s do it” and Mack Stud was born.
For 2016 we outfitted our long distance travelling Yamaha Viper LTX with 96 of Mack’s 1.325” standard carbide studs with colored aluminum backers and Mack’s exclusive support spacers.

Simple yet effective
One important Mack Stud innovation is their exclusive support spacer which gives their studs much greater strength by effectively doubling the studs support. The reality is that Mack studs are tougher than most and these spacers make them even tougher.
After 1,000+ miles on our good looking Viper, We have experienced no issues with any of our installed studs. Our moderate studding is always ready to provide increased anytime anywhere, control, cornering, climbing and stopping.
If a stud was going to bend or break from abuse this would likely be the year. But no worries as Mack’s Studs come with a 5 year no bend, no break, no questions warranty.
I’ve used traction products for over 80,000 miles and with proper size selection and manufacturer recommended tunnel protection, I have never experienced or witnessed a significant or catastrophic problem cause by using studs. I have however witnessed many occasions in which increased traction control has prevented significant or catastrophic problems.
Mack offers a full line of studs including their standard True 5/16 from base to tip carbide studs, Mega carbide studs with 1.185” base for single ply tracks, N Vader superior penetration carbide studs and Frostbite zinc coated, heat treated steel studs. Aluminum backers of every color, drill bits and templates can be purchase separately or in a money saving package that includes everything. Mack also has a line of value priced ½” round bar 6” carbide runners for all makes and double carbide runners for Polaris and Arctic Cat. And YES they can all be kept at maximum sharpness with a BiteHarder carbide runner and stud sharpening tool.

Nothing like a little stud and carbide sharpening tool conversation at the end of a great ride
If you are considering better, safer traction for the first time or it’s time to buy your next traction products, call Jim or Carla at 1-603-279-3330. They will gladly will answer your questions, offer suggestions and ship your order fast.
For quality traction products at a fair price, from a family owned company that really stands behind their product, check Big enough to serve, Small enough to care GP.