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Marlon XPLORE PRO II Platform Trial

Marlon XPLORE PRO II Platform Trial - Snowmobile - Snowmobiler - Sled

Now that my first winter is complete with my Marlon XPLORE PRO II Platform, I can give you my first report. I’ve put this platform to the test, and the one thing I can take away from it is WOW!

Marlon XPLORE PRO II Platform Trial - Snowmobile - Snowmobiler - Sled

As I mentioned several times in the Presentation article, it’s really a high-end product. The more I used it and compared it to other brands, the more I could see it.

Marlon XPLORE PRO II Platform Trial - Snowmobile - Snowmobiler - Sled

Personally, I wanted to have a platform with my truck for different reasons. First, I didn’t like that putting my snowmobile in the box only allowed me to transport one snowmobile at a time. The platform is extensible in width, which allows us to transport two snowmobiles at the same time.

Another disadvantage of putting your snowmobile in the box of your truck, compared to a platform, is that you often have to remove the snow from the box, so you don’t get everything you want to transport under the protective tarp wet. You lose your box when you have a snowmobile, and you can’t put anything in it that doesn’t go in the cold or water. It clutters up the cabin unnecessarily and leaves little room in it. With the platform, you always have access to a dry box to transport your things. It’s really ideal.

Second, I wanted a platform because a trailer was not an option I was really interested in. With a trailer, you always have to think about the parking puzzle, it’s more cumbersome than the platform, and it’s much longer to prepare to leave for our favourite sport. The time it takes to hook up the trailer, tie down the machines and everything … it’s incomparable with the time it takes to set up the platform.

I made a short video to demonstrate the speed and efficiency of the XPLORE PRO II. You will find the link at the end of this article.

Marlon XPLORE PRO II Platform Trial - Snowmobile - Snowmobiler - Sled

I finally received the 2-foot extension for the back, and it’s really good. It’s much safer that way. Mountain snowmobiles are long and often protrude a lot at the rear, which increases the risk of falling. With the extension, the snowmobile has a tiny portion in the void, making it much more stable.

Marlon XPLORE PRO II Platform Trial - Snowmobile - Snowmobiler - Sled

Marlon XPLORE PRO II Platform Trial - Snowmobile - Snowmobiler - Sled

Marlon XPLORE PRO II Platform Trial - Snowmobile - Snowmobiler - Sled

Marlon XPLORE PRO II Platform Trial - Snowmobile - Snowmobiler - Sled

Marlon XPLORE PRO II Platform Trial - Snowmobile - Snowmobiler - Sled

When you don’t have anything on the truck, just fold it back, and the platform does not protrude. It’s more practical and less cumbersome when you don’t have any machines. What’s nice about this extension is that it has the same amenities as the platform in terms of taillights and reverse. There is a large LED bar that makes it easy to see when backing up at night and allows other motorists to see us clearly. Very practical because the lights are obstructed when the machines are on the platform.

Marlon XPLORE PRO II Platform Trial - Snowmobile - Snowmobiler - Sled

Another advantage of the extension is that it is easy to remove with only 2 locks on the side. If you decide to put vehicles without it or to keep your platform year-round, it’s really useful and efficient. This is an option to consider for a future purchase.

Marlon XPLORE PRO II Platform Trial - Snowmobile - Snowmobiler - Sled

I like the Superclamp fastening system because it is a real asset when it comes to snowmobile transportation. It’s not only an accessory for the Marlon, but it's also available for other trailers or platforms. I can’t help but recommend it to everyone. These fasteners are very safe, but most of all … you’re done with straps all tangled or frozen as well as having to remove your gloves and freeze your hands. This system allows, without removing our gloves, to attach the snowmobile in less than 30 seconds. It’s really efficient and hassle-free.

Marlon XPLORE PRO II Platform Trial - Snowmobile - Snowmobiler - Sled

Marlon XPLORE PRO II Platform Trial - Snowmobile - Snowmobiler - Sled

Another thing I really like is the side of the platform that is lower than the box. Instead of being a few inches higher as on some platforms that are not adjustable in height, it adjusts in height, limiting the entry of snow into the box.

Marlon XPLORE PRO II Platform Trial - Snowmobile - Snowmobiler - Sled

I’ve tested the platform in both summer and winter, and there are only advantages to having a platform like this. It’s safe, it’s of good quality, and it’s not just for the winter. I realized that this platform is useful in everyday life. With the adjustable fasteners, you can securely attach anything to it. It's a platform that can be used on a daily basis for loading quads, side-by-side and motorcycles.

Marlon XPLORE PRO II Platform Trial - Snowmobile - Snowmobiler - Sled

I would like to thank Marlon for this trial, as well as Pierre Savoie, the brand representative. The product is fantastic and beyond any reproach. You will be able to follow my trial this summer with Infoquad.com. Otherwise, you can read the description and installation in the article Marlon Xplore Pro II Platform – The Installation.

Here is the link to the video that shows the efficiency and speed of fastening a machine: video.

Polaris Snowmobile

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