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Mario’s discovery!

What’s better before the season than to visit the quad and snowmobile shows. I had a crush during these shows, let me tell you about it.

It is simply a magnetic connector for heated visors or heated soles. Who didn’t at least once tear off and break his wire because he forgot to disconnect? It happened to me, and when your heated visor doesn’t work anymore at -25, your visibility is not so great!

The inventor explains that the idea came from his cell phone. He was looking for a way not to break his charging wire. He tried the magnetic connections for phone chargers and “CLICK” the solution appeared to him: CONNEXION AO.

It’s very simple, add the connector to your visor or soles wire according to the manufacturer’s instructions. The instructions are easy and well explained in the brochure or on the Internet. The magnetic force is 500g, which is enough to have a good connection and disconnect, if you forgot, without damaging anything. Besides, it is effortless to connect and disconnect with this connector.

To avoid trouble and to avoid unpleasant rides due to damaged wire, I recommend it. This product is available at www.connexionao.ca. It will give you all the information you need or ask your dealer or powersports stores. With Christmas coming up, it’s a great gift idea!      

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