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Many Sudburians praying for a white winter

Will there be mountains and mountains of snow like two years ago?

Or will the coming winter be another weak one for Greater Sudbury with little snow and mild temperatures, much to the chagrin of Northerners who want – make that need – to go skiing, or snowmobiling?

The Old Farmer’s Almanac, the granddaddy of all weather prognosticators, is calling for Northern Ontario to have winter temperatures one degree above normal and snowfall close to or slightly below normal.

The bulk of snow will come in early December, early and late January, late February and early March, it predicts.

Since the almanac began forecasting weather in 1792, it claims a success rate of 80 per cent. A secret formula devised by founder Robert. J. Thomas is used that looks at three factors: solar science, solar activity and sunspot study; climatology and the study of prevailing weather patterns; and meteorology and the study of the atmosphere.

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