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Learn the right way…get started with snownobile driver training course

Get Started with a driver training course! 
Must be 12 years old on or before the day of the course. Must present a valid form of identification at course registration, such as a birth certificate or photo health card.

Courses are available in areas across Ontario.

All Courses Require Pre-Registration

If you do not see a course listed for your area – please check back as this list is updated weekly or contact the Driver Training Master Instructor in your area.

Here's what you need to know to enroll:

  • Cost is $40.00 per course (includes all required course material)
  • Driver Training courses are in-class only
  • Must be 12 years old on or before the day of the course.
  • Must present a valid form of identification at registration (Birth Certificate or Photo Health Card)
  • Course will be approximately 8 hours including registration, lunch and breaks.
  • Bring your lunch, snacks and water for the day, dress comfortably. Some instructors will provide a lunch at an additional, optional cost.
  • Please do NOT bring cell phones, IPOD/MP3 players or any other electronic device.

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