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In or near St Ray Quebec? Don’t miss Paquet’s!

In or near St Ray Quebec? Don’t miss Paquet’s!

I’m always game for exploring new places to enhance or add to my snowmobiling experiences. New food choices are often on my list. We are too often, creatures of repetitive habits and the same choices. Branching out and the discovery of something new is usually a very good thing. On my first introduction to the Italian eatery in St Raymond called Pizzeria Paquet, I tried one of their self proclaimed specialties, “Lasagna Paquet”.  It was awesome!  Large portion size and all dressed ingredients that blended together to offer flavor filled delight to this connoisseur of anything pasta and sauce. Yes. Paquets was that good and I vowed to myself that I would return one day for further investigation of their large menu.  

Fortunately, I would not need to wait long. As my good fortune would have it, Paquets was going to be delivering dinner on the first night of this year’s annual Motoneiges.ca/SledMagazine.com team ride event which was being held just outside St. Raymond.

snowmobile In or near St Ray Quebec? Don’t miss Paquet’s!

A table full of great food, all for fun, fun for all!

Just after a knock came at the door of our weekend chalet, plentiful amounts of fresh Cesar salad, crisp hand cut fries and multiple Quebec style pizza selections were all ours.

For anyone who is not familiar with Quebec’s unique style of pizza, all of the toppings are hidden under the cheese. And nobody fits more quality toppings and hidden flavors under large amounts of gooey perfectly browned cheese than Pizzeria Paquet.

snowmobile In or near St Ray Quebec? Don’t miss Paquet’s!

Caught in the act, a face full is always a sign of good eating

Quebec’s under the cheese concept really adds a unique and interesting flavor concept as everything stays moist and offers a combined taste of everything in every bite. It’s like eating a peanut butter and jelly sandwich with the jelly side up or the peanut butter side up, it’s the same but different. The only drawback I have ever seen to this approach to pizza is the occasional confusion over what type of pizza you are about to eat. Fortunately for me, I have never seemed to care.

snowmobile In or near St Ray Quebec? Don’t miss Paquet’s!

Tasty from beginning to end

From piping hot “right on time” delivery to the empty boxes on the top of cold trash cans, it was all very good and Paquet’s was a winner for a 2nd time.  

snowmobile In or near St Ray Quebec? Don’t miss Paquet’s!

Pizzeria Paquet, on the map and right on trail 73

Paquets is only about a mile or so from St Raymond’s well know and totally transformed over the decades Roquemont Hotel and Microbrewery. You can take a quick ride over, call a taxi or give them a call for a delivery. 

snowmobile In or near St Ray Quebec? Don’t miss Paquet’s!

Give them a try when you are in St Raymond and put their # in your phone

If you are staying at the Roquemont, done riding for the day and don’t want or can’t get a reservation/table in their “very high demand” restaurant, I have a tasty suggestion. Smart snowmobilers might be inclined to order up more than a few pitchers of one of the Roquemont’s many offered brews for their room and call on Pizzeria Paquet to bring something special right to your door. A Pizza party and some tall tales of the days trails are a great way to celebrate another snowmobile adventure. Don’t take my word for it, check them out for yourself.

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