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Greg’s Best Picks’ 2014

I’ve had the anticipation of what would be introduced for 2014 for the past year. I had the opportunity to see and hear what would be new from each of the manufacturer’s months ago at Sneak Peak 2014 in Minnesota.
A few weeks ago I also had the opportunity to review and ride the 2014 models from each of the 4 sled makers in the trails and mountains of Montana and Idaho. During my advanced access opportunities, I selfishly consider what 2014 sleds would best meet my particular needs, riding style and desires. I also put a lot of time into thinking about what new sleds or technologies are most significant and best serve the well being and future health of our sport as a whole. It is with this secondary perspective and a dose of snowmobiling reality that I offer you my “Best Picks” for 2014.
 First… a reality check….
The industry sold about 91,000 units in North America last year. Divided between Four manufacturers that is not a large number. We as a snowmobiling community make broad demands of entitlement on what “they” should do and what new improvements and innovations should be given to us on a yearly basis.The reality is that we are fortunate to have 4 manufacturers that are nowhere near dependent on the relatively small snowmobile segment to keep their companies profitable.
Snowmobiling is a sport of passion and tradition and not an extraordinary profit making opportunity. I applaud each of the manufacturers for their continued dedication to the sport and for what they bring to snowmobiling for model year 2014.
“Best Pick” from Yamaha in 2014
The SR Viper RTX SE. Much has been written and many views shared about this sled and the collaborative effort which made this snowmobile possible. The fact IS that the Viper model IS the best handling, performing, bump absorbing, trail performance model that Yamaha has brought to the market in many, many years. With a market share admittedly in the single digits and ongoing tsunami recovery efforts in Japan, the Viper line was an excellent response (and commitment) to staying in and remaining relevant in the snowmobiling game.  
SR Viper RTX SE in Yamaha blue
In the trail the SR Vipers handle flat and predictable with a little rear swish that makes it a Yamaha that’s easier to turn and put where you want to put it. The 3 cylinder 1049cc Genesis engine was never an issue in the Nytro models and is indisputably among the best in torque, response, fuel consumption and an engine sound that is music to a snowmobiler’s soul.
I personally found the “performance” calibration of the SR Viper RTX SE to be a little on the firm side in comparison to the more trail compliant “comfort” calibration of the SR Viper model. However, the RTX SE in “Heat” Red with black tunnel and “radical” windshield contours will easily win the admiration and desire of many, including me. 
 “Heat” red!  Oh yeah
I’ll take the tough look of this model and live with or recalibrate the slightly firmer ride. The look, balance, performance, predictability and handling capability of this Yamaha IS exceptional. I prefer the 129” RTX SE over the 137” LTX SE because to me the only thing that could be more exciting than a Yamaha that turns more predictably and with better control is a slightly shorter Yamaha that turns even better. The SR Viper RTX SE………..this is a very significant snowmobile.Thanks Yamaha! 
More reality…
The sport of snowmobiling cannot survive solely on the basis of the number of traditional, dedicated, hard core, season long, long distance traveling snowmobilers. No matter how special and significant we think we are, our sport needs users of all types to keep total units sales up and trail infrastructure and maintenance economically sustainable.
The sport needs the impact of tourist and occasional users who enjoy snowmobiling as an experience activity rather than as the ongoing dedicated passion that many of us share.The snowmobile experience must continue to become cleaner, more comfortable, safer and quieter to attract larger numbers of limited time users. These “fair weather” “non sled owning” snowmobilers increase snowmobile sales numbers and trail revenues through rental operations across the Snowbelt. We need to welcome them with our patience, trail manners and snowmobiles that are easy to operate and inviting to experience.     

Greg’s “Best Pick” from BRP Ski-doo 2014
For 2014 Ski-doo introduces their  900 ACE (advanced combustion efficiency) with ITC (intelligent throttle control) selectable / programmable mode technology in MXZ TNT, Renegade adrenaline, GSX LE, Grand Touring LE and Expedition Sport models. 
We invite you to read our Ski-doo 2014 article for complete details on this revolutionary new engine technology. 
My experience riding the 900 ACE powered models was very impressive at trails speeds, it is much more than its “little brother” 600 ACE, but not to the performance level of the 600cc class 2 strokes. I personally found the throttle response in the highest performance “sport” mode to be so immediate that it was slightly difficult to smoothly modulate as deceleration was as immediate as acceleration.
 In the standard mode I think that this is a perfect engine for the occasional users with the smart key programmability that is perfect for safely introducing new comers to enjoy our sport. I pick the Grand Touring LE as the best pick from the 900 ACE models as it will offer an incredible and welcoming experience to tourist and novice riders. 
900 ACE Grand Touring LE with Columnist / Test Rider Marc Thibault  
The Grand Touring LE is 2 up ready, BAT (best available technology) clean, quiet, comfortable and is the only 2014 model line to feature the new BRP SilentDrive system which adds to the extreme quiet and comfort of this Grand Touring experience.
While it may be a less than exhilarating pick, I believe the 2014 Grand Touring 900ACE model and technology to be absolutely essential to the future of our sport. From the positive experience that it will present to first time and occasional users, the solid performance and efficiency that it offers to dedicated touring riders and the ECO friendly qualities that it will exhibit to non snowmobilers, this pick is a winner! 
Designed for an exceptional touring experience
More reality………..
We need to keep the affordability in our sport, so that that it does not become a sport of Kings (and Queens) when the number of Kings (and Queens) keeps declining. We need to protect the passion of traditional snowmobilers and present newer “climbing the performance ladder” riders with purchase opportunities that will keep their excitement levels high and attainable.
Greg’s 2014 “Best Pick” from Polaris.
For 2014 Polaris has significantly expanded its Indy model lineup with many models that will have great significance to a large number of customers with a wide variety of snowmobile needs. The Indy model that I believe offers the most significant opportunity for affordability is the Indy 800 SP. 
Yes, this is the one!
It’s not only that the Indy 800 SP is THE most affordable high performance new snowmobile that you can get your hands on; it’s what you get and what it can do. Sure…it might lack this or that extra feature or have a basic gauge package or less than premium graphic accents, but this sled has all the right components to keep you smiling and your buddies wondering which way you went. 
The Indy 800 SP turns like a dream
In trails requiring less than industry leading rear suspension bump absorbing capability, the extremely low center of gravity, Pro Ride front suspension, Fox shock packages and 1” hacksaw track of the Indy 800 make it virtually unbeatable in precise, agile turning ability. This sled is an enormous amount of fun and performance at a price that invites everyone to the Indy 800 party.  
Final reality……….
Arctic Cat needed a 600cc motor to replace the Suzuki engine last offered in 2011. For the past 2 model years we had been told by AC that their 1,100 cc 2 cylinder 4 stroke was a 600cc class engine, we all knew better and Arctic Cat engineers were nearing completion in the development of a revolutionary new technology and power plant. *See our complete Arctic Cat 2014 article for more complete information on the 600cc C-TEC2.
Arctic Cat 2014 “Best Pick”
It is my opinion the 600cc class has, is and will continue to be as important to snowmobiling as 2 skis. In 2011 Arctic Cat had a lightweight (at the time) 600cc 2 stroke engine, but they did not have all the advancements, advantages and weight reductions of the ProCross chassis.
In 2012 and 2013 they had the significant improvement of the lighter weight, better performing ProCross chassis, but no 600cc motor.
For model year 2014 Arctic Cat has the proven high function, high capability ProCross  with a 600cc 2 stoke engine that is 10 pounds lighter with more power than what they had in 2011. Arctic Cat needed a 600cc engine and they have delivered. The lightweight C-TEC2 600 DSI  (dual stage injection) engine is a perfect fit for the ProCross chassis / Sno Pro suspension package and gives you an immediate feeling of balance, control, rider input  and flickability. 
Response and flickability
If you want to experience the potent C-TEC 600 DSI in 2014 you’ll get it in only the ZR El Tigre’ 6000, so that’s my pick.
The ZR El Tigre’ 6000
It has a classic yet modern look, responds instantly, handles all trail conditions with ease, feels extremely light, sounds inspiring and is leading edge in clean and efficient performance.  
The 2014 El Tigre 6000 ES…yeah that’s what I’m talking about!  Order early!  


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