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Governments in New Brunswick are A Valuable Partner

Fellow Snowmobilers,

Our provincial Government, or allow me to clarify; the Governments of New Brunswick have been very valuable partners to the NBFSC, our 51-Member Clubs and the collective volunteers.  The ongoing 20 plus years partnership has secured the NBFSC as New Brunswick's Winter Tourism. In fact, the only measured sector of all winter activities in our Province that creates a measurable and significant impact on communities, municipalities and the Governments revenues is Snowmobiling Tourism by their own admission.

Successive Governments have, since the early 1990's, worked with the NBFSC to improve snowmobile legislation, enhance our public recognition and provide occasionally very valuable financial grants for Trail Grooming equipment.  The Trail Grooming equipment or the large Groomers and Drags are what every Trail Permit holder wants to see. The “Groomer” is the raison d'être in all clubs and is why all Clubs exist, to provide groomed trails connected to the next neighboring snowmobile club, whether the trail is for its members in N.B. or a tourist from Quebec, Ontario, Maine, Nova Scotia or P.E.I.

After the purchase cost of a new Trail Groomer and Drag, only the fuel to power the Groomers and Drags – 25,000 plus hours per season – costs more each and every winter. A new Trail Groomer and Drag including taxes today costs the volunteers, running the 51-Clubs, approximately $235,000.00 per unit. Currently the 51 Clubs of the NBFSC own and manage 71 Trail Groomers and Drags to maintain over 7600 kilometers each season.

Investments made between 2006 and 2010 by Premier Graham and the Tourism department, assisted the NBFSC to replace or refurbish Grooming Equipment in all regions of the Province.  

Investments made between 2010 and into 2014 by Premier Alward and the Tourism department, assisted the NBFSC to replace or refurbish Grooming Equipment also in all regions of the Province.

All funds received are completely matched dollar for dollar by the NBFSC and our Clubs. A total of 31 volunteer member clubs received assistance from the GNB and NBFSC to improve their trail grooming operations between 2006 until today.

As President I am always praising the contributions of our club volunteers and the important contribution by thousands of landowners who combine collectively, to create the trails we all enjoy. Today, I wish to also single out and recognize the Governments of New Brunswick, under our past two Premiers; Premier Graham (2006-2010) and Premier Alward (2010-2014) who each understood and collectively contributed to economic benefits that are far greater than the investments by them.

The NBFSC as New Brunswick's most significant and leading contributor to the Winter Tourism sector looks forward to working to continue to grow, improve and spur economic development with Minister Bill Fraser at Tourism and Premier, Brian Gallant. 

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