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Freestyle gets a start in New Brunswick

Freestyle makes its entrance in NB at the 34th edition of the  Half Marathon of St-Francois Nouveau-Brunswick, who had the best idea to include a freestyle snowmobile show in their events. The presence of Mr. Jimmy blaze was planned for this event but because of a broken arm in the previous week, Jimmy Blaze and his team had to be replaced by colleague of the world of the freestyle.

Mr. blaze which by apologizing sent the holder of the world record of the longest back flip (117ft) Mr. Sam Rogers from Sledneks . Sam was accompanied by 3 other riders of whom another professional Fred ( Fuzzy ) Rasmussen of Ride Sinister.com We also had the pleasure to meet two young riders of RaveX motor sports of which one that we shall see certainly competing for professional team soon Mr.Ben Copp. the 4th rider ,is a beginner the world of Freestyle Eric St-John.

The show took place under the New Brunswick sun. The riders sure did impress the crowd which asked for more. Its after a few times around the jumps that Sam broke one of his front shocks which became very dangerous for him to attempt anything on a mobile landing. So the other riders ripped  the rest of the show Mr. St-John who was at his 1st try on a mobile landing was a little short on his jump and hit the side of the landing and his machine had to much of an impact for him to continue. So it was Fred (Fuzzy) Rasmussen and Ben Copp who ripped it for the crowd.

Sam Rogers breakdown had a good side it allowed me to get chance to meet him and to ask him a few questions. He confirms to me having already under contract Canadian events for the 2010 seasons. So a follow-up of Sam Rogers Canadian riding will be available throughout the season and on the sledneks web site. For those of you who want to follow up on Fred (Fuzzy) Rasmussen season his updates will be available on RideSinister.com as well as their events, new productions and clothing line.

Sam Rogers, Philippe Soucy (SledMagazine.com and Ben Copp.

As for the young rider Mr. Ben Copp, native of Maine in the United States, he confirmed me a possibility of a day of riding with the sledmagazine.com team for an interview and talk about his future projects and new development of his professional career.

Philippe Soucy and Fred (fuzzy) Rasmussen (RideSinister.com)

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