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First contact with the CKX Titan helmet

Recently, I had the pleasure to receive the brand new CKX Titan helmet. Even if I quickly opened the box to examine it, I was disappointed not to be able to try it right away seated on a snowmobile. But, after all, we are still in October…

On October 26th, my Polaris dealer in Amqui, Garage Yvan Thibault, called me to let me know that the 800 Switchback Adventure 144 snowmobile was ready. Knowing that there is some snow on the Saint-Pierre mountain, near Sainte-Irène, I decide to bring my snowmobile gear, just in case. Of course, the CKX Titan helmet is part of it!

On my way back, I make a detour towards my favorite playground and I discover snow! Effectively, about 20 to 25 cm of packed snow cover the ground. This is my chance to run the first test of the Titan helmet.

First contact with the CKX Titan helmet

Inside my truck, the thermometer reads -3 °C and light freezing drizzle is falling. This is a good test to see if the goggles will fog up or frost. I rode more than 50 km and here are my first impressions after this short test.

The Titan is very easy to take on and off. Unlike some helmets that offer tight opening, no effort is required to take the Titan on and off. It is a very comfortable helmet relatively light to wear.

First contact with the CKX Titan helmet

The goggles are equipped with the RapidClip technology for easy removal. Of course, we must get used to the position of the fastening devices. The muzzle of the helmet can be opened to clear your nose and mouth. When closed, it makes a perfect seal with the goggles, preventing any air infiltration.


First contact with the CKX Titan helmet

Within this first test, the CKX Titan helmet really impressed me. Also, despite the weather, I did not notice any fog inside nor frost outside the goggles. Of course, it was just a first contact and thorough tests run all season long will tell me if this helmet meets my expectations and those of all snowmobilers.


First contact with the CKX Titan helmet

Anyway, the Titan helmet is now part of the first trio among my snowmobile equipment and it will sure be with me for my next rides.

Follow our tests of the CKX Titan helmet here on SledMagazine.com all season long!

First contact with the CKX Titan helmet

For more details on the CKX Titan helmet, please click here.


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