Few weeks ago, I had the chance to ride my first long tour, about 240 kilometers. We left home towards Saint-Damase, Sayabec and we stopped for lunch in Saint-Irène. Then, we went down by the Saint-Pierre mountain and made a detour via the belvedere where we can have a look at the vicinity. What a view! We could see the valley of the Matapédia, the Mitis and Rimouski area! I also had the opportunity to see personally the famous mummies. My father explained to me that in the middle of winter, they were even more impressive!

I had the chance to test the 2011 Polaris 600 Rush, generously sponsored by Panda Aventures, in Rimouski. Furthermore, the weather conditions were perfect : -5 °C and even sunny!

It was my first long ride, but moreover it was the first time I could enjoy my father’s company. Snowmobiling can really bring two persons together. At last, we have even been able to take a picture of both of us together to immortalize the moment!

To conclude this article, I can say that this first long ride turned out to be a very nice day with perfect weather. All this thanks to Panda Aventures who sponsors the Youth Section of SledMagazine.com! I had a great time on this father and son day! I cannot wait for another one, especially if I can enjoy again these trail conditions and perfect weather!

You are invited to read my next article. Meanwhile, let us hope we will be able to keep these snow conditions as long as possible! So, until next time, happy trails!

The Youth Section of SledMagazine.com is sponsored by Panda Aventures in Rimouski, Qc.