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Endorsement letters: Snowmobiling, just think about it Whitehall voters

The Pure Michigan campaign is a multi-million dollar ad campaign to promote tourism in the state of Michigan, it is working. Tourism is up. Dollars are coming into the state of Michigan. Businesses are able to hire more local people. Businesses are paying more taxes — taxes that support their community schools, fire departments and ambulance services. Pure Michigan is spending millions of dollars to promote Michigan as a four-season wonderland. Whitehall is a three-season community. Just think about it.

Some of the Whitehall residents opposed to allowing snowmobiling within the city limits, which will be on the Nov. 6 ballot, are the same residents that wonder why there are empty storefronts, why restaurants are closed, why businesses limit their hours, and why businesses close for two to three months during the winter. We have all heard the saying, "buy local," but how can we if the businesses are closed half the time. These are our local businesses, they support our infrastructure with their tax dollars. Shouldn’t we be giving them our support? Just think about it.

Snowmobiles will be restricted, will be regulated, will be policed. The city of Montague has had open snowmobiling for years. Call them, find out how many complaints they have had. Virtually none. I am not saying snowmobiling is the answer to any of the problems for the businesses in Whitehall. I am just asking that before you vote, please weigh your wants against the needs of the community. Like I said, just think about it.
Polaris Snowmobile

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