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End of Season Review 2019 Renegade Enduro 600R

End of Season Review 2019 Renegade Enduro 600R 

That’s right; it is time for me to give you a complete tour of this Ski-Doo snowmobile with which I had a lot of fun doing my tests this winter, as much on the trails as off the beaten track, where it was permitted.

As I mentioned in my previous articles, this snowmobile was hiding secrets that I was eager to discover and share with you in this last review of the season. 

Bilan de fin de saison Renegade Enduro 600R 2019 - motoneiges - motoneigistes

An important point that I must clarify with you is that during my tests, this snowmobile went out and defied all winter conditions, both in terms of temperature and trail conditions of all varieties. It faced different temperatures ranging from +5 C to -42 C, rain, ice rain, and snowstorms in ungroomed and bumpy trails.

Without further ado, here is what this snowmobile has had to endure this season. After having driven more than 4000 km, I can give you a clear picture of the sustainability, manoeuvrability, practical side of the accessories and overall performance of the design of this Ski-Doo model.

General Appearance of the Snowmobile (the look)

During my outings, snowmobilers came to me on several occasions to have a look at my snowmobile and ask me questions about the new 600R E-TEC engine. With its power, adjustable air shock absorber, on and off-trail manoeuvrability (considering the 137 inches), as well as the REV4 new generation chassis and its side panels, several mentioned that the look gave the snowmobile the appearance of a well-designed machine aimed at providing its driver great pleasure on the trail. 

Bilan de fin de saison Renegade Enduro 600R 2019 - motoneiges - motoneigistes

Finishing – Materials and Part Assembly Quality

Regarding the price of this snowmobile, the designers at BRP have not skimped on the quality of the finish to give it one hell of a look. The components such as the REV GEN4 chassis, HPG shock absorber, adjustable Air Ride, RAS3/rMotion suspension, TS skis with carbide runner, seat heater and Ice Ripper XT track ensure that this snowmobile has what it takes to make its owner happy on the trails and keeps him smiling after many kilometres travelled.

Bilan de fin de saison Renegade Enduro 600R 2019 - motoneiges - motoneigistes

Optional Accessories

When I took possession of my snowmobile at the Contant group, 3 optional accessories were placed on my snowmobile.

The first option was an adjustable windshield that is, without doubt, a must for the driver in cold weather. Adjusting to the desired position of the driver, this option should, in my opinion, be among the mandatory accessories of some Ski-Doo models.

The second option was snow scrapers to prevent the engine from overheating. The latter is an essential component when driving in very hardened trails that lack snow or at the end of the season.

Bilan de fin de saison Renegade Enduro 600R 2019 - motoneiges - motoneigistes

Finally, the last option was a LinQ 40 L cargo box because the storage on the snowmobile is almost non-existent. For this reason, the purchase of the sealed and safe rigid plastic LinQ box is an obligation for trips that spread out over a few days. When the ride is over, or in the morning before leaving, the box can be installed within only a few seconds and it comes off easily too; in a snap of a finger! 

Bilan de fin de saison Renegade Enduro 600R 2019 - motoneiges - motoneigistes
Bilan de fin de saison Renegade Enduro 600R 2019 - motoneiges - motoneigistes


First, having a 511 lb/232 kg snowmobile, which is one of the lightest snowmobiles in its category, makes manoeuvrability easier for its driver.

It is not just the weight, but the fact of having the REV GEN4 chassis greatly helps the driver to execute his manoeuvres more easily, especially when negotiating a curve or something unexpected on the trail. It reacts quickly to the commands of the driver.

Off the trail, the snowmobile was, during my manoeuvres, surprisingly smooth and asked little effort of me.

Driving Position

The driver’s position on the chassis REV 4 new generation makes a difference compared to other frames in the past. This new adaptation for the driver did not affect me since I am accustomed to this new chassis. In fact, ever since its implementation on the market, I have always ridden a snowmobile with this chassis. The driving position for the operator must be more toward the front, which makes the manoeuvres more direct and movement easier, with little effort and a lot of flexibility.

Comfort (seat, position of the steering wheel, adjustment possible)

The seat on this model is very comfortable. A large cushion makes our rides most pleasant, even during long distances. An asset during freezing weather is the seat with two levels of heat intensity that warms our backside.

The handlebar adjusted at the centre allows you to have very good driving control. The steering wheel, however, can be easily adapted to the position to which the driver feels comfortable with when he rides; it in only takes a few minutes. A tool though is needed to the adjustment.

Engine (sound, emission, vibration) (exhaust system)

This new 600R E-TEC engine is a lot less noisy than the previous 600s. Of course, inside the passenger compartment, there is a thickness of products that significantly reduces the intensity of the sound of the engine. On the inside of my snowmobile helmet, the noise is virtually non-existent and not unpleasant for the hearing.

Bilan de fin de saison Renegade Enduro 600R 2019 - motoneiges - motoneigistes

No more clouds of smoke in the morning when warming up the engine. Now, smoke is almost non-existent, including even on our clothes. I understand why; for 450 km, the engine absorbs 1 litre of oil, very impressive.

Regarding vibration, it is present, but just barely. We must be quite attentive to notice it on the windshield.

Engine Acceleration-Power

The new 600R E-TEC develops 125 hp, only 5 hp more than the former 600 cc. But in no way comparable to the old 600 cc engine, the acceleration and dynamic response are 30% more efficient, and its acceleration recovery is surprising for a 600; a lot of pleasure for its driver. This is due to the exclusive technology of the E-TEC direct injection. A small anecdote, I can tell you that at -45 C one morning, it started on the first try.

The plasma coating monobloc cylinders are used for an exceptionally long time. The accuracy of the injection allows for excellent fuel economy between 11 and 12 litres/100 km, always according to acceleration and trails conditions, of course.


With the TS skis, the narrow runner and new rectangular design keel work to eliminate the wandering. What is interesting with the runner is that they are adjustable with 5 settings according to the trail conditions. I noticed that in trails with a firm surface, the runner must not be adjusted to the maximum, because this makes the driving difficult and brings some wandering. And the opposite, in trails where the surface is covered with snow, the adjustment must be at the maximum or according to the driver’s preferences.

Bilan de fin de saison Renegade Enduro 600R 2019 - motoneiges - motoneigistes
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For this type of model, the manufacturer has placed high-quality shock absorbers and suspension with the rear Air Ride shock absorber adjustable to 5 positions directly on the driver’s handlebars. You can adjust it while driving by merely pressing the handlebar.

This snowmobile is equipped at the front with the HPG shock absorbers and RAS 3 suspension, which has already proven itself in the past with the unequal rectangular suspension. To finish, the icing on the cake is the famous rMotion which is without a doubt the last generation suspension that has proven its effectiveness on several models. It is for this reason that this snowmobile has been really designed to confront the trails in adverse conditions.

Bilan de fin de saison Renegade Enduro 600R 2019 - motoneiges - motoneigistes
Bilan de fin de saison Renegade Enduro 600R 2019 - motoneiges - motoneigistes

To have traveled several kilometres in a day in variable trail conditions, I can tell you now that the suspension and shock absorbers make a difference at the end of the ride on my body.


The Ice Ripper XT track is a derivative of the Ripsaw stud in the integrated carbide for better traction on the ice and also better stability in the turns. No noise was heard during my tests.

Bilan de fin de saison Renegade Enduro 600R 2019 - motoneiges - motoneigistes
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Reverse Gear

The reverse R system is the system that, according to me, is the most sophisticated in the industry. It facilitates the transfer from forward to backward motion with a touch of the finger.


What is interesting about the cockpit is that the driver has easy access to the controls. He can easily control the temperature of the heated grips as well as increase or decrease the pressure of the air shock absorber, change the time, the mileage recorded during the day and the intensity of the lights. In addition, the brake is also easy to access. 

Bilan de fin de saison Renegade Enduro 600R 2019 - motoneiges - motoneigistes
Bilan de fin de saison Renegade Enduro 600R 2019 - motoneiges - motoneigistes

The mirrors are placed in such a way that the driver sees the snowmobile clearly in front of him. Please note that the rear-view mirrors are optional.

As for the meter, it is easy for the driver to read the information on it, be it day or night.

We can say that from the cockpit, with a slight touch of the finger, the driver is in full control.

Bilan de fin de saison Renegade Enduro 600R 2019 - motoneiges - motoneigistes

Protection (wind and snow)

When the driver is sitting on his snowmobile with the windscreen adjusted to its maximum height and with the side panels that prevent the wind from falling back on him, this makes the cold days less difficult.

In the powdery snow, the chassis and especially ergonomics around the engine evacuate the snow on the side without the cockpit becoming covered with snow.


With the changes over the past few years to the new chassis and the decrease in weight, this has affected the storage that is almost zero on this model. Located on the seat itself, we have a 7-litre/1.85-gallon storage unit that allowed me to insert 2 litres of oil and a small box above the meter. The secret is that it must be a LINQ box. 

Bilan de fin de saison Renegade Enduro 600R 2019 - motoneiges - motoneigistes

For my part, there are two points that could be improved by the manufacturer. The first is the handlebar. With the quality of the components and other accessories that have been added to this snowmobile, an easily adjustable handlebar would have been a plus for the driver instead of having to use a tool to adjust it.

The other point is the TS skis. The idea of adjustment is great, but on a hardened trail, we note a bit of wandering. Please note that this does not change the quality of this snowmobile, but the manufacturer should look at this aspect for the following seasons.

To finish, my season has been fantastic, and I have spent many beautiful moments with the Renegade. What I think is essential for snowmobile enthusiasts, at the price that it details today, is that it provides the owners with satisfaction and insane pleasure when riding. For my part, I have lived through this beautiful feeling, and I recommend this snowmobile without hesitation.

I want to thank the Contant group for having allowed me to perform my tests with this Ski-Doo BRP product. For any questions on this model, I am always available to answer.

Polaris Snowmobile

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