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DNR offering youth snowmobiling safety class in Osakis

The Minnesota Department of Natural Resources (DNR), along with local instructors, will again offer a local snowmobile safety class for young people. The class is open to youth ages 12-15. Eleven-year-olds may take the class, but will not receive their certificate until they turn 12.
There will be four classroom sessions and a practical snowmobile riding component at the end of the training. The classes will be held at Osakis Public School in the high school AG room.
The training is scheduled to start on Tuesday, December 11 at 6:30 p.m. Reservations are not required.
The dates of the classes are: Tuesday, December 11; Thursday, December 13; Tuesday, December 18; and Thursday, December 20. All classroom sessions will run 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. The riding portion of the class will be scheduled for a later date.
Call DNR Conservation Officer Jeff Johanson at (320) 859-5569 for more information.

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