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Buy or Rent

Have you always wondered what's best between renting or buying a snowmobile? The question is not so simple. Here are a few points that will help you think and hopefully help you make the right decision.

Snowmobile Buy or rent?

The purchase or rental of a snowmobile depends on several factors and what kind of snowmobiler you are. In fact, the purchase involves recurring costs such as the cost of registration, insurance and the purchase of access rights. In the rental, all  the costs are included in the rental price.

Snowmobile Rent or buy?

When buying a snowmobile, you also need warm clothes and a comfortable and safe helmet to enjoy your rides. The advantage of renting is that you will be able to rent warm clothes at low cost, so you don't need to buy it. 

Snowmobile Rent or buy?

Access to federated trails is often difficult in large cities. If you own your snowmobile, you may need to purchase a trailer or truck to take full advantage of your investment. In addition to maintaining your trailer, you will also need to ensure the maintenance of your snowmobile. If you don't do it yourself, you will have to pay a professional to do it. Keep in mind that during the summer season, you will need to store your snowmobile in a safe place, not everyone has room at home to store a trailer and snowmobile. While when renting a snowmobile, you won't have to think about all this. The rental places are often located near a snowmobile trail and they are qualified to maintain all their snowmobiles.
On the other hand, renting requires you to book your sled in advance, Mother Nature is not always on our side and can, therefore, imply cancellation fees. If you have your snowmobile, you can leave whenever you want.   Plus, if you like to ride a lot of kilometers a day, you can do as much as you want wit  h your own snowmobile. While renting, you can also do as much as you wish, but you will have to calculate additional costs. During the rental period, merchants include a certain number of kilometers a nd the excess are charged.    

Snowmobile Rent or buy?

There are more than 33,000 kilometers of trails in Quebec, and it is not always easy to  find the ideal trail. Snowmobile rental businesses sometimes offer guide packages. It's reassuring to have an experienced guide for someone new in this magnificent sport, he will be able to take you to magical places that are often unknown to most snowmobilers. 

Snowmobile Rent or buy?


Buying the ideal sled is not always easy. Often, you would need several snowmobiles depending on your mood.  Not everyone can afford 4 or 5 different snowmobile models. Renting a snowmobile will allow you to choose the style that suits you best during the day, as many rental businesses have different models of snowmobiles. In addition, many dealers renew their fleets every year, which will allow you to try out the new models. 

Snowmobile Rent or buy?

In conclusion, here's my recommendation, if you drive less than 1000 kilometers per year, I seriously advise you to look at the possibility of renting a sn owmobile, if not, the purchase is for sure a better option, it's up to you. If you buy, there is nothing to stop you from renting in order to try other models or brands. Whether you decide to buy or rent your snowmobile for the next season, I wish you a nice ride. We look forward to seeing you on the trails. 

Polaris Snowmobile

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