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BRP renewed their partnership with SledMagazine.com

We learned the good news directly from the new Ski-Doo Marketing Manager, Mr Florian Burguet. Indeed BRP renew its participation in the on-line trials of the magazine.  The confirmation of the exact model is still to come. Marc Thibeault vice-president of the SledMagazine.com is very excited about this news which confirms a fourth consecutive participation of BRP…

« It’s always an honour to have a partnership with a company such as BRP regarding long term trials» says Thibeault and added «It’s never taken for granted; each investment a manufacturer makes is measured and evaluated in terms of value ».   We have to understand that it’s not automatically renewed, explains Mr. Thibeault, and the fact that BRP still renews its implication with Sledmagazine.com clearly shows the quality and professionalism of the work accomplished by our team.

Speculations can now begin… Which model will be the star of the exclusive and popular long-term trials section of SledMagazine.com? With 2 new engines issued this season
(4-TEC and E-TEC) and 2 new platforms issued from the RevXP frame (XR and XU), we just can’t wait!  « We hope to announce the model by the time the “Salon des sports récréatifs motorises” of Quebec which will by held from October 17th to October 19th 2008» concludes Thibeault .

Polaris Snowmobile

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