The choice of helmet is very important for snowmobilers. We must seek for comfort, heat and safety. Young snowmobilers prefer the full face helmet or the motocross style. I am no exception! However, I see many people who buy this type of helmet without caring about staying warm and who gets their face frozen. I think that comfort and heat are more important than the look or style. I will show you as the season goes that we can enjo all of these three characteristics.
During the 2011-2012 season, I will have the opportunity to test the CKX TX-218 Toxic helmet.
Of course, I will wear snow goggles over it all ! I will test the CKX YH-01DL snow goggles.
This way, I will keep warm all winter long!
Thanks to Kimpex’s collaboration, I will have the chance to test these accessories starting during the next days. Please click on the section «Online Trials» of to read my first impressions.